Allow me a moment to be completely materialistic.
And so the Christmas season is upon us once again. Personally, I adore this holiday. The decorations, the food, the togetherness, the Christmas spirit! And of course, the presents... Now that I'm getting older, the idea of receiving presents is making me increasingly more uncomfortable, and I think the right thing to do would be to make this known rather soon. But I'm allowing myself one more Christmas to indulge in the generosity that this season promotes.
I'm the type of person that
needs to create lists to clear my head, and I thought what better place to do this than my blog? Here's what I've got my eye on this year...
PhotographyOnce one buys a Polaroid, it is inevitable that the hunt for film feels like it will never end.
Mainly because it's
just so expensive. Two dollars a picture, to be exact, and what kind of wannabe photographer has that sort of cash just laying around? Christmas and all it's present-giving glory is the perfect opportunity to stack up on much-needed Polaroid film for the year.
BeautyNow that I've finished high school, I'd like to make it my business to further familiarise myself with the art of eye makeup. Don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to the basics (mascara, eye liner, eye shadow), but being bombarded with images of models and celebrities showcasing this kind of creativity, and furthermore writing about it, has left me with a desire to
really understand the technicalities, not only to enhance the quality of writing but also to be able to apply the techniques to myself. One can rarely get away with simply wearing a single layer of mascara on a night on the town anymore (something which I hope to be doing a lot more of, now that I've got more free time).

I would
love to know exactly what every single one of these brushes is used for. Any preliminary hints from you all out there?
FragranceI'm aware that I have access to more than my fair share of beautiful perfumes, but I can't help but want just a few more. Terrible, I know. But it's only because I have such an appreciation for the fragrance industry. I once read an article about a man who loved perfumes - and who also couldn't fall in love with a woman if he didn't like the way she smelled. So as far as I'm concerned, scent is everything. For some great tips on how to wear perfumes, including which kinds to wear to an interview, on a night out and even perfumes on a budget, head to
Become's incredibly helpful Tip Center.
JewelleryI have a shameful secret: I have never owned a pearl necklace. Usually this is something a girl inherits from her mother (who receieved it from her own mother, etc), but since my mother has never owned one (at least, not that I know of) either, I'm afraid I missed out on this beautiful tradition.
Mikimoto Pearls have a gorgeous collection, including the lovely classic with a diamond twist pictured above, if you're up for a splurge.
Suspension of RealityYes I know there's no way I could actually get a pair of $885 Louboutin heels this Christmas, but hey, a girl can dream can't she?